Willow Grove Primary School, School Council is committed to the wearing of school uniform by all students. We believe that a uniform dress code encourages students to take pride in their own appearance, instils a recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community and assists in developing pride in representing Willow Grove Primary School.
Issues of equality, health and safety and expense are also factors that contribute to the establishment of the uniform policy.
The Student Dress Code aims to:
The School Council has developed a dress code that we believe provides a range of choices for students and is cost effective for families.
Purchase of Uniforms
Willow Grove Primary School also operates a second-hand uniform store for parents. For further information, please speak to staff.
School Uniform Items – Full List
The following items may be worn all year round. There is an expectation that weather appropriate uniform options will be worn.
Bottle green with school logo
Fleece Jacket – Bottle green with Logo (note: not available for purchase after 2023)
Hoodie- Bottle Green/gold trim with logo
Bomber jacket – Bottle green/ gold trim with logo
Polo shirts
Green long and short sleeved with school logo
Grade 6 printed polo shirt – Gold/green
Long sleeved shirts/ skivvy worn under short sleeved items must be bottle green or white
Plain black pants without decoration or brand name
Plain black leggings, without decoration, holes, bows or similar
Tights do not replace pants and are to have an accompanying item over the top.
Green/ White/ Gold check dress.
Tunic – bottle green. Can be worn with gold or green long sleeved polo and black tights or leggings.
Must be mid-thigh or longer.
Plain black shorts without decoration or brand name.
Plain black skorts without decoration or brand name. May be worn with black tights/stockings.
Socks or tights/stockings
Black or white socks (no visible logos)
Black tights/stockings
Footwear must be plain black.
Appropriate footwear is to be worn. Summer sandals with covered toes and heels, school shoes or pull on school boots or runners are permitted. No thongs or open-toed sandals are permitted.
Steel capped boots are not permitted, unless specifically required for an activity.
On Physical Education days, any colour of appropriate sports shoe may be worn.
School Rain Coat (Optional Item)
Windbreaker/ Spray jacket – Bottle green with logo
Bottle green, gold or white head bands, hair ribbons, “scrunchies” or headwear worn as part of cultural/religious beliefs. Elastic Bands used to tie up hair may be worn in any colour, but should not stand out.
School hats as per SunSmart Policy.
School beanies as per the approved design available at Beleza.
Scarf/ Gloves
Bottle Green scarf with school logo – available form Beleza.
Black gloves/ bottle green gloves (can be purchased in numerous stores.)